Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our New Year

We didn't have a traditional Chinese New Year. It didn't include jiaozi or hot pot. We didn't endure 5-6 hours of fireworks exploding in the city. We celebrated new year in the mountains.
On the day before new year, we spent the day high up on a mountain. And we watched some special ceremonies which scared my children so much that we had to leave and go down to make a fire.
We stayed with our friend, where the boys were extremely fascinated with the stove in the middle of the room. It's really fun to put in dried corn cobs to stoke the fire!
We played on a "beach" of sorts by the river.
And the boys got their first ride on a local tractor. Or a carry-the-trash-machine as it's literally translated...
Truthfully, it is always a bit of a culture stretch for us--it's quite different from America. It's even different from our city. And we don't stay long enough to get through culture shock. But you've never experienced hospitality like the people offer in the mountains. And there is just something special about it all...

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