We have lived here 2 years so far, and it feels like home. And it's where we want to bring two more babies home to. 2 (hopefully) babies from Ethiopia. We don't have any exciting news on that front. We are still doing paperwork. EVERY part of the paperwork has been a long wait. And then, just when we thought we were finished, nope. We're not.
So maybe we'll get to bring them to what now feels like home. Or maybe not. Our home really isn't on earth, so we can live anywhere--I just tend to get attached....
In other news, we had a successful family trip to the mountains with our friends who came to visit from Mississippi/Tulsa. It was so nice to be out there and let the boys run and play and throw rocks into the river and just enjoy the outside. And Johnny got to hike to the most beautiful place he's ever been in this part of the world. Those words came out of his mouth...So it was a wonderful trip. Johnny asked us if we want to go again at the end of June. Kind of. Kind of not. We'll see.

I think it looks pretty, too!!
We do hope to someday be able to get an apartment out there, so maybe we'll have a home out there...
Hey Shannon! I'm glad to hear that you get your apartment for one more year! Yay! And I wanted to tell you that we will be back on Aug 22nd and I can't wait to see you again! Love, Jessica